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Lifestyle changes help many people with Sjogren’s feel better.

It is great to feel better after making healthier lifestyle choices. It is important to know that if your symptoms improve, this does not mean your disease is inactive or cured. SJOGREN'S IS SERIOUS. Damage sometimes occurs without producing obvious symptoms. That is why lifestyle approaches should support, not replace, ongoing monitoring and medical management.  

Many Sjogren’s patients focus on diet because it is something they control. Some people choose extreme diets, hoping that this will turn the disease around. Diet is important, but severe restrictions are not necessary and can become another source of stress. Sleep, exercise, stress reduction, and what you breathe in and put on your skin are also important.


Be an informed consumer
It is important to use reliable sources of information. The information on this page comes from sources that I trust. Much of the health and wellness information that you read online is not based on evidence, and can even be harmful.

Beware of wellness influencers, including some doctors, who claim they know how to cure your autoimmune disease. They prey on people who are willing to part with their money in a desperate attempt to get well. Read this blog post (by Dr. Susan Masterson) to learn more about being an informed consumer of health information.


Dr. Kara Wada, MD, aka The Crunchy Allergist

Dr. Kara Wada is an allergist / immunologist, who, like me, is a medical doctor living with Sjogren's. She offers lifestyle approaches that hit the spot: the right balance of scientifically minded and practical. 

While Dr. Wada covers some medical topics, especially those related to allergy and immunology, her passion is helping patients implement lifestyle measures that can support their health and help them feel better. She explains what Sjogren's patients need to know about the immune system, allergies, and sensitivities. 

Find the links to all of  Dr. Wada's work on this PDF, including her website, The Crunchy Allergist. â€‹

Cristina Montoya, RD

Cristina Montoya is a registered dietitian living with Sjogren's and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).  She helps women with Sjogren's and RA to adopt a non-restrictive anti-inflammatory lifestyle while supporting their gut health.​​ Cristina has excellent and informative videos, social media posts, and webinars on gut health and eating well with Sjogren's and RA.



Cristina's YouTube Channel


Blog post about Mast Cell Activation and Diet

Dr. Bexi (Rebecca) Lobo, PhD (Nutritional Biology)

Dr. Bexi Lobo is a biochemist and nutritional biologist living with Sjogren's and Dysautonomia.  She formulates and makes skincare products using whole foods to revitalise skin.  She specializes in skin care for people with Sjogren's and other chronic illnesses.



Dr. Bexi Lobo's Blog

Dr. Susan Masterson, PhD (Psychology)

See the Lifestyle support blog post to learn more about Dr. Susan Masterson and find links to her blog including a few of my favorite posts.  


Dr. Susan Masterson's YouTube Channel

Updated 10-17-2024

​The information on this website is intended for general knowledge and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider regarding your specific condition and treatment options.

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